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The Right to Participate in Company Management

In Our Company, which strives for efficient and effective use of human resources, while we were establishing the foundation of our philosophy regarding participation in management and recommendation systems, we ensured that a participative understanding is adopted by all sources. Within this framework:


Shareholders are entitled to select and be selected as the members of the Board of Directors, by attending the Company General Assembly.


Employees may participate in management both directly and indirectly.

Indirect participation may occur through workplace representatives, while direct participation may occur by way of teamwork practices.

Direct participation implemented in our Company aims to achieve objectives such as re-designing the way the work is done, enhancing employees’ interest in their jobs, encouraging internal communication through a successful rewarding system, providing information and consulting services to the employees, decreasing absenteeism and tardiness, reducing personnel turnover and establishing cooperation awareness.

To ensure successful product and/or service production, our Company encourages thinking and acting as a team from top management to the base-level employees.

Management strives for continuous development and sets the stage to make it possible. The Company therefore,

- Carries out required work to ensure adoption of the management philosophy by everyone from top to bottom,
- Uses statistical techniques in quality analyses and reviews,
- Company operations are not handled solely with regard to their price dimension,
- Problems regarding production and services are constantly researched and relevant solutions are developed,
- On-the-job training is provided to employees,
- Leadership training is provided and received; the focus is on quality as well as the figures,
- A trust atmosphere is embraced, instead of a fear-based one and creativity is targeted,
- Obstacles between departments and groups are eliminated,
- Efficiency is increased by way of innovation,
- Practices involving numerical targets are avoided,
- Employees are provided the chance to identify with what they do,
- Employees are encouraged to improve themselves and it is ensured that required measures are taken to realize all afore-mentioned objectives.


The opinion of stakeholders is obtained in decisions that are consequential for stakeholders.

Process performance, corporate performance, feedback management, project management, document sharing and performance warning system are used to enable Participation in Company Management so that all efforts are in line with each other, duly monitored and deviations are corrected by taking measures in a timely manner, using a performance warning system.
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